9 Smarter approaches to organize inventory using a bar-code scanner


Barcode scanner record and translate bar-code from the image into alphanumeric digits which send the information to a computer database and record it in the inventory system. The information is transmitted through either a wired connection or wireless depending on the model of the bar-code scanner. Asset management such as inventory and fixed assets are using the bar-code scanner for recording information related to employees and products for quick access and regular update.

Managing your inventory using a bar-code scanner is the smarter way to manage and organize your inventory. You can label each piece of inventory with a unique UPC (Universal Product Code). The UPC can correspond to another code on your storage so; you can keep track of your inventories.

Managing your office storage can be disastrous if you don’t keep track of your office documents. Searching for one file could be more time-consuming. So here are some of the basic approaches of barcode use that might help you run your business in the long run.

Follow these 9 smarter approaches for improving your inventory management:

Keep a record of all time

If you use the barcode to keep a record of your every inventory from the very start, it will be easier for you to extract any file whenever you want. That is because barcode provides code for any distinct item and it will be easy for you to locate it even in the huge storing place. You can keep digitalized the details of your employees, old documents and files. This method will be more effective for the storage inventories, e-commerce business, supermarkets where you have to keep a new record every day.

Reduce employee theft

Inventory makes up a huge percentage of your company’s capital and can be particularly vulnerable to loss, especially from internal theft or some other mistake. Without proof, you cannot blame anyone but what you can do is hold people who are responsible for managing that item. Therefore, keeping track of your company’s physical assets is as important as keeping track of your company’s profit and bottom line. If you use a barcode or barcode label you can track your asset easily and reduce inventory shrinkage

The aftermath of natural hazards

It’s hard to predict the loss caused by a natural disaster if you don’t keep track of your office inventories. Unfortunately, if disaster strikes your company then you can measure the loss by looking at the record of your previous inventories. Therefore, in order to quickly determine the extent of the losses, all types of businesses should implement the barcode system. Besides, the scanner provides accurate, up-to-date information on the product, allowing the company to have quick access to the damaged data.

Accurate tracking

Disorganized storage and recording can create more confusion and can make you dislocate the items. Where losing the sight of the item, can make you difficult for picking the items for production and shipping. Apart from that, if the items are not found easily people end up getting more stock and this is surely going to waste your money. That’s the reason for using a barcode for accurate tracking of your inventory throughout the production process all the way to a sale.


The audit can take up a lot of time and human resources as well as if the record doesn’t go well it can be a major source of anxiety. The human work has lots of mistakes during auditing and if the mistakes couldn’t be located then the company is responsible for unmanaged assets.

For avoiding all the anxiety, people are using barcode technology for implementing by accessing an asset management tracking system where the new inventory database audit report can be easily and confidently printed. In addition, it takes only one employee to do the annual inventory process within one week.  

Quality control

The manufacturing and assembly facilities have been using barcode technology for a custom design to fit their needs based on the information they capture. In addition, Companies that are being carried the technology through their quality control departments. With the application of bar-coding technology for controlling the quality to unlocks the potential for procedure improvement. And, help-error proofs the final steps before products are shipped.

Professional appearance

Showing the sample product to the customer stating a unique identifier with a barcode that is neat in black and white appears more professional then comparing the hand sticker to the product. On the other hand, using a product to represent a fact about the company can create a great number of interests and involvement of customers, which are fundamental to satisfaction and loyalty. 

Rapid data acquisition

Rather than using traditional excel or handwriting methods using a barcode and associated software can save your significant amount of time when it comes to data acquisition. It is helpful to make an accurate decision if the information is available accurately in real-time.